for Placing Jewish Sport, Wellbeing & Community first.

Help us ....

The role Maccabi plays is woven deep into the fabric of our Australian Jewish community.
Maccabi’s impact on our Australian Jewish way of life must not be underestimated. Maccabi is so much more than sport! It’s how we have connected for more than 96 years. It’s the largest grassroots Jewish member-based organisation in Australia and plays the most important role in ensuring Jewish continuity.
A not-for-profit, volunteer-based organisation, Maccabi is made up of 9,000 participants across 54 clubs, programs, and events, and 40,000 Macabi PROUD Buba’s, Zeidas, Mums, Dads, Brothers, Sisters, Aunties, and Uncles, cheering on the sidelines every week. Maccabi is at the very heart of our community, impacting our culture, society, and Jewish identity. Maccabi Sport and Maccabi LIFE have the ability to improve the health and wellbeing of our entire Jewish community, regardless of age, ability, background, or gender.
The benefits of participation in our clubs, programs, and events go well beyond just health. They reach deep into our community and provide a positive impact, across the entire community in so many ways.
To achieve our goals, we need you to partner with us in building a sustainable future. Use the ready reckoner to support our many programs. Your contribution will
- Ensure that Maccabi has the essential resources to develop our clubs
- Inspire the community to become healthier and stronger
- Support the physical and mental wellbeing of the next generation
- Inspire future athletes to pursue their ambitions and attend the Maccabiah games and other internal sports events
- Promote inclusion and assist the disadvantaged
- Create a safe, fair and non-discriminatory sporting environment
“Do something today that your future self will thank you for.“